Scroll down for more information on:
Spring 2025
- SOCY 393: Sociological Theory - Undergraduate course (online).
- SOCY 540: Sociology of Law - Upper-division undergraduate course (online).
Summer 2025
- SOCY 393: Sociological Theory - Undergraduate course (online).
- SOCY 507: Sociology of Social Control - Upper-division undergraduate course (online).
Fall 2025
- SOCY 560: Advanced Sociological Theory - Graduate theory seminar.
- SOCY 507: Sociology of Social Control - Upper-division undergraduate course (online).
Other courses taught at South Carolina:
- SOCY 323: Sociology of Deviant Behavior - Undergraduate course.
- SOCY 368: Society Through Visual Media - Undergraduate topics course.
- SOCY 398D: Lady Gaga and the Sociology of the Fame - Undergraduate topics course.
- SOCY 710: Classical Scholars - Graduate theory seminar.
- SOCY 711: Contemporary Scholars - Graduate theory seminar.
- SOCY 701: Scientific Methods and Sociological Inquiry - Graduate seminar.
- SOCY 729: Comparative and Historical Sociology - Graduate methods seminar.
Courses previously taught:
- Purdue University, 1997–2002: Sociology of Law (undergraduate); Criminology (undergraduate); Criminal Justice (undergraduate); Contemporary Sociological Theory (graduate seminar); Globalization, Law, and Police in the New Europe (study abroad; Oxford University; Summer 2001).
- Kenyon College, 1996–1997: Introduction to Legal Studies; Criminology; Policing the Global Village; Freshmen and Senior Seminars in Legal Studies (topic: abortion law).
- University of Colorado, 1995–1996: Criminology; Introduction to Sociological Ideas.

Student Advising - Tips and resources.
Student Conduct and Academic Integrity - Policies and links to integrity policies, incl. The Honor Code [PDF] and the Student Code of Conduct [PDF].
Student Success Center and Undergraduate Academic Regulations - Useful information for students.
Student Health Services - Resources, news, events, incl. support line.
For graduate students, here is an interesting note on writing the dissertation (courtesy of Dr. John Bendix):
USC Library Search Pages - Online bibliographical sources and abstracts for sociological research.
Students can check their syllabus for my office hours, or set up an appointment by zoom.

USC Library Search Pages - Online bibliographical sources and abstracts for sociological research.
Students can check their syllabus for my office hours, or set up an appointment by zoom.
My office is in the Sloan College building, office 217, Columbia campus of the University of South Carolina,
Department of Sociology, 911 Pickens Street, Columbia, SC 29208.
Email: Deflem@mailbox.sc.edu
See separate pages for publications and talks.
Email: Deflem@mailbox.sc.edu
See separate pages for publications and talks.