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(co-authored with Anna S. Rogers). London/New York: Anthem Press, 2022.
This book offers a sociological study of gender issues concerning the evolving place and role of women in the heavy metal subculture. Relying on interviews with fans of heavy metal, women have made progress in the metal world. Yet, gendered conditions driven by masculinity continue to exist as well.

New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Available as PDF.
This book offers an investigation of the rise to fame of global pop sensation Lady Gaga. Situated at the intersection of the sociology of music and the sociology of fame and celebrity, it examines the origins of Lady Gaga's fame against the background of important transformations and a general decline of the popular music industry in recent years.

New York: Routledge, 2010. Available as PDF.
This book offers an analysis of the policing of terrorism in various contexts, with an emphasis on developments since September 11, 2001. The study shows that modern counter-terrorist police efforts are conducted on the basis of professional standards regarding the means and objectives of counter-terrorism, existing alongside of other counterterrorism efforts.
Chinese translation of The Policing of Terrorism.
反恐警务:组织视角与全球视野 共分四编十个章节,各个章节讲述的内容分别是:第一章恐怖主义与反恐怖主义的犯罪学视角;第二章反恐警务理论要略;第三章反恐的政策与法律;第四章国土安全——联邦执法机构的作用;第五章城市与反恐——地方执法机构的作用;第六章反恐警务国际视野;第七章世界反恐警务.

This book reviews the history and systematics of the sociology of law on the basis of a discussion of the major accomplishments in this sociological specialty. Drawing together both theoretical and empirical themes, the work reveals the value of the ways in which sociologists study the social structures and processes of law.

Indonesian translation of Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly Tradition.
Buku sosiologi hukum ini menyajikan visi ilmiah sosiologi hukum berdasarkan diskusi tentang pencapaian utama dari spesialisasi sosiologi hukum. Karya Deflem ini mengungkapkan nilai-nilai studi sosiologi hukum dengan menyatukan tema-tema teoritis dan empiris.
Turkish translation of Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly Tradition.
Elinizdeki kitap hukuk sosyolojisi alanında kaleme alınmış en kapsamlı eserlerden biridir. Kitabın yazarı Mathieu Deflem, hukuk sosyolojisi alanında yapmış olduğu çalışmalarla öne çıkmış bir akademisyendir. Kitap gerek sosyoloji bölümleri, gerekse hukuk fakülteleri için kullanışlı bir kaynak olma işlevini yerine getirebilecek nitelikleri haizdir.

Persian translations of Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly Tradition.
فصل ده این کتاب تحت عنوان «حقوق و فرهنگ: توازن ارزشها از رهگذر هنجارها» با اشاره به جداشدن ارزشها و هنجارها در جوامع مدرن به عنوان ماحصل رویش سرمایهداری و مردمسالاری، آثاری را از منظر مضمونی مرور میکند که در جامعهشناسی حقوق بر موضوعات مرتبط با پیوند متقابل حقوق و فرهنگ تمرکز کردهاند.

Chinese translation of Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly Tradition.
Includes: "Sociology of Law: Prologue to the Chinese Edition (法社会学讲义:学术脉络与理论体系 (平装))." This prologue is unique to the Chinese edition. It discusses the writing of this book and relates its themes pertinent to Chinese law and Chinese sociology of law. Available in both English original and Chinese versions.

This book offers a sociological analysis of the history of international police cooperation from the middle of the 19th century until the end of World War II. It develops and applies a theoretical model of bureaucratization and police independence from politics based on the sociology of Max Weber. The emphasis in the analysis is on the development of criminal police cooperation with German and U.S. participation.

Chinese translation of Policing World Society.由美国南卡罗莱纳州立大学社会学系教授马修·戴弗雷姆所著,是第一部系统分析一直以来受到忽视的关于国际警察合作史这一主题的著作,提供了对19世纪中叶到二战结束这段时期国际警察合作史的社会学分析,并进行了深入的研究与分析.

Law and Culture in Japan: Institutions, Justice, and Media (co-edited with Hiroshi Takahashi, Dimitri Vanoverbeke, and Jason G. Karlin). Emerald Publishing, 2025.
Written by expert scholars working in Japan, the chapters in this book discuss a variety of issues regarding law and culture in contemporary Japan. This volume is primarily oriented at scholars and students who are located outside of Japan, yet who share similar scholarly interests in law, culture, and the interconnections between them. [Introduction]

Democracy, Governance, and Law. Emerald Publishing, 2025. The
chapters in this book address important questions of law and governance
in relation to ongoing issues and problems of democracy. The
development of democratic political systems is an oft-discussed topic of
scholarly reflection, one that in this volume is tackled from the
viewpoint of the role of law, legislation, and law-related governance
concerns. [Introduction]

Crime and Social Control in Pandemic Times. Emerald Publishing, 2023.
The authors in this volume address questions of crime, punishment, policing, social control, and law in relation to COVID-19, some of the most pressing issues of the pandemic. This book provides a diverse and useful resource for scholars and students interested in the dynamics of crime and social control at a time of huge global disruption. [Introduction]
The authors in this volume address questions of crime, punishment, policing, social control, and law in relation to COVID-19, some of the most pressing issues of the pandemic. This book provides a diverse and useful resource for scholars and students interested in the dynamics of crime and social control at a time of huge global disruption. [Introduction]

Diversity in Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies (co-edited with Derek Silva). Emerald Publishing, 2022.
This volume is devoted to issues of equity, inclusion, and diversity in criminology and criminal justice. The authors develop reflexive accounts on these issues, such as diversity in teaching and research, queer criminology, the intersections of race and gender, Indigeneity and decolonization, domestic violence, human rights, mass incarceration, and ableism. [Introduction]
This volume is devoted to issues of equity, inclusion, and diversity in criminology and criminal justice. The authors develop reflexive accounts on these issues, such as diversity in teaching and research, queer criminology, the intersections of race and gender, Indigeneity and decolonization, domestic violence, human rights, mass incarceration, and ableism. [Introduction]

Media and Law: Between Free Speech and Censorship (co-edited with Derek Silva). Emerald Publishing, 2021.
The chapters in this volume explore free speech and its control. This issue has moved center stage in scholarly and popular discussions on what must, should, and cannot be said in the public sphere of ideas, opinions, and tastes, especially in today's world of alternative facts, fake news, gender politics, self-censorship, edited art, hate speech, and career-ending tweets. [Introduction]
The chapters in this volume explore free speech and its control. This issue has moved center stage in scholarly and popular discussions on what must, should, and cannot be said in the public sphere of ideas, opinions, and tastes, especially in today's world of alternative facts, fake news, gender politics, self-censorship, edited art, hate speech, and career-ending tweets. [Introduction]

Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization (co-edited with Derek Silva). Emerald Publishing, 2020.
This volume explores radicalization as a criminalized space and counter-radicalization as a mechanism through which that space is controlled as increasingly influential practices. Themes covered include notions of security and surveillance, crime and deviance, gender, policing, private security, prison radicalization, and cultural representations of radicalization. [Introduction]
This volume explores radicalization as a criminalized space and counter-radicalization as a mechanism through which that space is controlled as increasingly influential practices. Themes covered include notions of security and surveillance, crime and deviance, gender, policing, private security, prison radicalization, and cultural representations of radicalization. [Introduction]

The Handbook of Social Control. Wiley-Blackwell, 2019.
This handbook provides an overview of selected aspects of social control to offer an overview of the most important perspectives and dimensions of social control today. The chapters of this handbook reflect the theoretical and methodological diversity that exists in the study of social control and are likewise usefully diverse in terms of thematic scope. [Introduction: Social Control Today]
This handbook provides an overview of selected aspects of social control to offer an overview of the most important perspectives and dimensions of social control today. The chapters of this handbook reflect the theoretical and methodological diversity that exists in the study of social control and are likewise usefully diverse in terms of thematic scope. [Introduction: Social Control Today]

Methods of Criminology and Criminal Justice Research (co-edited with Derek Silva).
Emerald, 2019.
The eleven chapters in this book discuss a variety of issues of methodological significance in research in the fields of criminology and criminal justice studies. The authors demonstrate, from their various perspectives, the methodological maturity and diversity of current empirical research in criminology and criminal justice in a number of areas. [Introduction]
Emerald, 2019.
The eleven chapters in this book discuss a variety of issues of methodological significance in research in the fields of criminology and criminal justice studies. The authors demonstrate, from their various perspectives, the methodological maturity and diversity of current empirical research in criminology and criminal justice in a number of areas. [Introduction]

Homicide and Violent Crime. Emerald, 2018. Available as PDF.
The chapters in this volume address a variety of aspects of law and law-related phenomena in connection with social and cultural issues of race and ethnicity. These themes are important in view of the changing yet enduring relevance of racial and ethnic concerns in many dimensions of modern law, even in today’s multi-cultural and/or post-racial context. [Introduction]
The chapters in this volume address a variety of aspects of law and law-related phenomena in connection with social and cultural issues of race and ethnicity. These themes are important in view of the changing yet enduring relevance of racial and ethnic concerns in many dimensions of modern law, even in today’s multi-cultural and/or post-racial context. [Introduction]
Race, Ethnicity, and Law. Emerald, 2017. Available as PDF.
The chapters in this volume address a variety of aspects of law and law-related phenomena in connection with social and cultural issues of race and ethnicity. These themes are important in view of the changing yet enduring relevance of racial and ethnic concerns in many dimensions of modern law, even in today’s multi-cultural and/or post-racial context. [Introduction]
The chapters in this volume address a variety of aspects of law and law-related phenomena in connection with social and cultural issues of race and ethnicity. These themes are important in view of the changing yet enduring relevance of racial and ethnic concerns in many dimensions of modern law, even in today’s multi-cultural and/or post-racial context. [Introduction]

The Politics of Policing: Between Force and Legitimacy. Emerald, 2016. Available as PDF.
This volume addresses issues of policing with a focus on the characteristics of police power as a coercive force, one the one hand, and the need for legitimacy in a democratic social order, on the other. The book brings together a variety of scholars to discuss important topics concerning police and policing in society today. [Introduction]
This volume addresses issues of policing with a focus on the characteristics of police power as a coercive force, one the one hand, and the need for legitimacy in a democratic social order, on the other. The book brings together a variety of scholars to discuss important topics concerning police and policing in society today. [Introduction]

Terrorism and Counterterrorism Today. Emerald, 2015. Available as PDF.
This book contains chapters dealing with a variety of issues related to terrorism and counterterrorism and the study thereof, especially in relation to crime, criminal justice, law, and social control. The perspectives and analyses of the book are more than timely some fifteen years after the events of September 11 2001. [Introduction]
This book contains chapters dealing with a variety of issues related to terrorism and counterterrorism and the study thereof, especially in relation to crime, criminal justice, law, and social control. The perspectives and analyses of the book are more than timely some fifteen years after the events of September 11 2001. [Introduction]

Punishment and Incarceration: A Global Perspective. Emerald, 2014. Available as PDF.
This volume deals with various aspects of punishment, especially concerning incarceration and prison conditions, in a variety of countries. Analysis specifically focuses on Italy, Turkey, England and Wales, Belgium, Canada, Mexico, the United States of America, South Africa, Japan, and Hong Kong. [Introduction]
This volume deals with various aspects of punishment, especially concerning incarceration and prison conditions, in a variety of countries. Analysis specifically focuses on Italy, Turkey, England and Wales, Belgium, Canada, Mexico, the United States of America, South Africa, Japan, and Hong Kong. [Introduction]

Music and Law. Emerald, 2013. Available as PDF.
Legal issues posed by music as a form of artistic expression have today become more urgent than ever before. The chapters in this volume deal with a multitude of legal issues of music, including copyright, normative frameworks to address piracy and other forms of deviance, prison iconography in pop, and the nexus between the legal and the artistic. [Introduction]
Legal issues posed by music as a form of artistic expression have today become more urgent than ever before. The chapters in this volume deal with a multitude of legal issues of music, including copyright, normative frameworks to address piracy and other forms of deviance, prison iconography in pop, and the nexus between the legal and the artistic. [Introduction]

This collection discusses legal aspects of disasters and hazards. Especially focused on are several momentous disasters in recent decades, such as hurricanes Katrina and Irene, the 2010 BP oil spill, and the 2011 Japanese tsunami. The chapters address various pertinent questions from the perspective of socio-legal studies, sociology of law, and public policy. [Introduction]

This volume addresses issues related to economic crisis and a range of problems related to economic life. The chapters tackle criminologically relevant questions in connection with crime/deviance and/or the control thereof, on the basis of an analysis of any aspect of economic life, in general, and economic crisis, in particular. [Introduction]

Chinese edition of Sociologists in a Global Age.
本書介紹了世界各地一些成名社會學家的成長經歷 (包括成長背景、求學、思考、研究等),有助於讀者朋友瞭解真正的社會學研究是怎樣做的、國外社會學系是怎樣訓練學生的、如何在學術研究中體現社會學與社會的血肉聯繫,培養自己的"社會學的想像力". 译者:张倩 刘阳 编者.

This volume discusses a variety of issues involved with the presentation of crime and crime control in a number of different forms of popular culture, such as music, movies, television, and cartoons. Using a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives, the volume is diverse in addressing dimensions of popular culture in relation to important criminological questions. [Introduction]

Available as PDF.
This volume presents insights in the study of surveillance and governance in the context of social control strategies in contemporary societies. Drawn from several quarters of the world, the expert social-science contributors to this volume testify to the increasing relevance of surveillance and governance across social institutions and in many areas of the world. [Introduction]

Chinese edition of Habermas, Modernity and Law.
Available as PDF.
This volume includes autobiographies by: Martin Albrow, Karin Knorr Cetina, Diane E. Davis, Pierpaolo Donati, Leon Grunberg, Horst J. Helle, Eiko Ikegami, Tiankui Jing, Hyun-Chin Lim, Ewa Morawska, Richard Münch, Saskia Sassen, Joachim J. Savelsberg, Piotr Sztompka, Edward A. Tiryakian and Ruut Veenhoven. [Introduction]

This volume's chapters present concrete analyses and discussions of how
sociological theory has been useful to the respective authors’ efforts
in criminological research. Collectively they aim to show that some of
the very best criminological work is informed in useful and varied ways
by sociological theory. This volume addresses theoretical issues in criminology both in the US and in Europe. [Introduction]
Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Criminological Perspectives. Elsevier, 2004.
Available as PDF.

Available as PDF.
This volume focuses on the ways in which (sociological) criminologists study terrorism and counter-terrorism. This book presents criminological investigations of terrorism and counter-terrorism from various social-science viewpoints, with a special concern for crime and its control. Published in the series, Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance. [Introduction]
Habermas, Modernity and Law. Sage Publications, 1996. Available as PDF.
Includes a postscript by Jürgen Habermas.

Includes a postscript by Jürgen Habermas.
The work of Jürgen Habermas has long been regarded as central to the development of social and political theory and philosophy in the late twentieth century. The authors in this book integrate a broad range of Habermas's writings with his recent thoughts and theses on the place of the law in contemporary theory. Habermas himself contributes a postscript. [Introduction]
See separate page for complete online available Articles & Chapters.