By Mathieu Deflem and co-authors. Available as full-text copies (HTML & PDF).
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Recent Publications 

Becoming a Mental Health Activist: The Learning of Naomi Osaka (co-authored with Megan Routh). Journal for Cultural Research, first published online March 16, 2025. 

Racial Justice Activism and Democracy: The Deliberative Role of Black Women Athletes (with Brandii Brunson). In Democracy, Governance, and Law, ed. M. Deflem. Leeds, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2025. 

October 7 and International Police Cooperation: The Silence of Interpol. Belügyi Szemle: Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 2025.

Japanese Perspectives on Law and Culture. Introduction to Law and Culture in Japan: Institutions, Justice, and Media. Emerald Publishing, 2025.

The Spirit of Democracies. Introduction to Democracy, Governance, and Law. Emerald Publishing, 2025. 
Victor W. Turner. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Anthropology, edited by A. Szakolczai and P. O’Connor. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025.

The Declining Significance of Interpol: Policing International Terrorism after 9/11. International Criminal Justice Review, 34(1):5-19, 2024. 

The Cancer of the Law in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Reflections on the Iranian Anti-Israel Law of 2020. Pp. 319-329 in Combining the Legal and the Social in Sociology of Law, edited by H. Hydén, et al. Hart Publishing, 2023. 

TERRORISM AND COUNTERTERRORISM | Police and Terrorism – General & Theoretical |

Policing Terrorism 
October 7 and International Police Cooperation: The Silence of Interpol. Belügyi Szemle: Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 2025. 
The Declining Significance of Interpol: Policing International Terrorism after 9/11. International Criminal Justice Review 34(1):5-19, 2024.

Responses to Terror: Policing and Countering Terrorism in the Modern Age. Pp. 137-148 in Handbook of Collective Violence: Current Developments and Understanding, eds. C.A. Ireland, et al. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2020.

Exporting Preemption: The Transnational Diffusion of Counter-radicalisation Policing Strategies (with Derek Silva). Pp. 179-200 in The Development of Transnational Policing, eds. J. McDaniel, et al. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2020.

Policing Terrorism (with Stephen Chicoine). Pp. 235-248 in The Handbook of Social Control, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2019.

Domestic Spying: A Comparative-Historical Perspective (with Derek M.D. Silva & Anna S. Rogers). In The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems, edited by A. Javier Treviño. Cambridge University Press, 2018.

The Fear of Counterterrorism: Surveillance and Civil Liberties since 9/11 (with Shannon McDonough). Society 52(1):70-79, 2015.

Policing International Terrorism (with Samantha Hauptman). Pp. 64-78 in Globalisation and the Challenge to Criminology, edited by Francis Pakes. London: Routledge, 2013.

Policing Terrorism after Boston. Frontline Security 8(2):12-14, Fall 2013.

Joint Terrorism Task Forces. Pp. 423-426 in Counterterrorism: From the Cold War to the War on Terror, Volume 1, edited by Frank G. Shanty. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO, 2012. 

Yehida Mishtartit Mistaravim (YAMAS) (Israel). Pp. 71-72 in Counterterrorism: From the Cold War to the War on Terror, Volume 2, edited by Frank G. Shanty. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO, 2012. 

Policing the Modern City: Local Counterterrorism in the United States. Pp. 261-267 in Counter Terrorism in Diverse Communities, edited by Siddik Ekici. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2011.

Policing Afghanistan: Civilian Police Reform and the Resurgence of the Taliban. Pp. 114-124 in The Routledge Handbook of War and Society: Iraq and Afghanistan, eds Carlton-Ford & Ender. London: Routledge. 2011.

Police and Counter-Terrorism: A Sociological Theory of International Cooperation. Pp. 163-172 in Emerging Transnational (In)security Governance, edited by Ersel Aydinli. London: Routledge, 2010.

Domestic Spying (Terrorism) (with Lisa Dilks). Pp. 931-933 in Encyclopedia of Social Problems, edited by Vincent N. Parrillo. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2008.

International Police Cooperation Against Terrorism: Interpol and Europol in Comparison. Pp. 17-25 in Understanding and Responding to Terrorism, edited by H. Durmaz et al. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2007.
Chinese translation: “国际反恐警务合作—国际刑警组织和欧洲刑警组织的比较.” 公安学刊(浙江警察学院学报) Public Security Science Journal (Journal of Zhejiang Police College) (6):44-45, 2008; (1):51-53, 2009.
Europol and the Policing of International Terrorism: Counter-Terrorism in a Global Perspective. Justice Quarterly 23(3):336-359, 2006.

Policing Post-War Iraq: Insurgency, Civilian Police, and the Reconstruction of Society (with Suzanne Sutphin). Sociological Focus 39(4):265-283, November 2006.
Chinese translation: “后伊拉克战争警务:叛乱、民间警察和社会重构.” 公安学刊(浙江警察学院学报) Public Security Science Journal (Journal of Zhejiang Police College) July 2008.
Global Rule of Law or Global Rule of Law Enforcement? International Police Cooperation and Counter-Terrorism. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 603:240-251, 2006.
Related video: Global Counter-Terrorism: International Police Cooperation in the Fight Against Terrorism. Workshop on Social Dynamics of Global Terrorism, Ankara, Turkey, April 7, 2006.
Whose Face at the Border? Homeland Security and Border Policing since 9/11 (with J. Eagle Shutt). Journal of Social and Ecological Boundaries 1(2):81-105, 2005.

Governmentality and the War on Terror: FBI Project Carnivore and the Diffusion of Disciplinary Power (with Holly E. Ventura and J. Mitchell Miller). Critical Criminology 13(1):55-70, 2005.

Interpol and the Policing of International Terrorism: Developments and Dynamics since September 11 (with Lindsay C. Maybin). Pp. 175-191 in Terrorism: Research, Readings, & Realities, eds L.L. Snowden & B.C. Whitsel. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005.

Social Control and the Policing of Terrorism: Foundations for a Sociology of Counter-Terrorism. The American Sociologist 35(2):75-92, 2004.

Law Enforcement 9-11: Questioning the Policing of International Terrorism. Pro Bono, Newsletter of the SSSP Law & Society Division, 9(1):5-9, 2002.

Terrorism: General and Theoretical Perspectives

Deciphering (Counter-)Radicalization (with Derek Silva), Introduction to Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization, 2020.

The Study of Terrorism and Counterterrorism Today. Introduction to Terrorism and Counterterrorism Today, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2015.

War on Terror (with Stephen Chicoine). Pp. 987-990 in Encyclopedia of White-Collar and Corporate Crime, Second Edition, edited by Lawrence M. Salinger. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2013.

Letters concerning the NSA/Snowden case: Don't Give Snowden What He Wants. The Washington Times, June 26, 2013, p. B2; Snowden Should Slip into Obscurity. South China Morning Post, June 18, 2013, p. 10; The Real Victims of NSA Surveillance. The Guardian, June 12, 2013, p. 31.

Ending the War on the War on Terror. Review essay. Contexts 78(4):76-78, 2009.

Terrorism. Pp. 533-540 in 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook, edited by J. Mitchell Miller. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2009.

Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism Approaches. Pp. 929-931 in Encyclopedia of Social Problems, edited by Vincent N. Parrillo. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2008.

Is the United States Ready for Future Catastrophes? Estimating the Effectiveness of Organizations for Hazard Mitigation since 9/11 (with Aytül Kasapoglu and Dennis S. Mileti). Journal of Homeland Security, 2007.

Better Intelligence Needed to Fight Terror Attacks. Op-ed. The State, July 13, 2005.

Reading Terrorism and Terrorists. Review essay. Theoretical Criminology 9(2):231-236, 2005.

Towards a Criminological Sociology of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism. Introduction to Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Criminological Perspectives, edited by M. Deflem. Elsevier 2004.

The Globalization of Heartland Terror: Reflections on the Oklahoma City Bombing. Online paper, 1995. A short version is published in The Critical Criminologist, Newsletter, ASC Critical Criminology Division, Fall 1997, p.5.

Related book reviews: Dirty Entanglements: Corruption, Crime, and Terrorism, by Louise I. Shelley, 2016; Global Shell Games: Experiments in Transnational Relations, Crime, and Terrorism, by Michael G. Findley, Daniel L. Nielson, and J.C. Sharman, 2014; The Character of Harms: Operational Challenges in Control, by Malcolm K. Sparrow, 2009; Terrorism and the Limitation of Rights: The ECHR and the US Constitution, by Stefan Sottiaux, 2008; Terrorism as Crime, by Mark S. Hamm, 2008; In the Common Defense, by James E. Baker, 2007; Not a Suicide Pact, by Richard Posner, 2007; Protecting Liberty in an Age of Terror, by Philip B. Heymann and Juliette N. Kayyem, 2006; The War on Terrorism and the Rule of Law, by Richard M. Pious, 2006; Terrorism, Freedom, and Security, by Philip B. Heymann, 2003; Terrorism Today, by Christopher C. Harmon, 2002.

INTERNATIONAL POLICING & POLICE COOPERATION | Contemporary – History – Other Police |

Contemporary Conditions 
International Law Enforcement Organizations (with Shannon McDonough). Pp. 55-78 in Comparative and International Policing, Justice, and Transnational Crime, Third Edition, ed. S. Kethineni. Carolina Academic Press, 2021.
Extradition, International (with Kyle Irwin). Pp. 340-342 in Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties: Revised and Expanded, edited by Kara E. Stooksbury, et al. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2017.

Interpol. Pp. 788-791 in The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, ed. W.G. Jennings. Wiley-Blackwell, 2016.

International Law Enforcement (with Michael D. Bayer). Pp. 1168-1173 in The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, edited by Jay S. Albanese. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.

Bowling for Global Police. Review essay of Ben Bowling's authored/co-edited books Policing the Caribbean, Stop and Search, and Global Policing. CrimeTalk, May 5, 2014.

Interpol. Pp. 956-958 in The Encyclopedia of Global Studies, eds Helmut K. Anheier and Mark Juergensmeyer. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2012. See also: A Truth about Interpol, The Atlantic, May 2014.

Policing (and globalization). Pp. 1163-1165 in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, edited by George Ritzer. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

International Drug Agencies (with Shannon McDonough). In Encyclopedia of Drug Policy, edited by Mark Kleiman and James Hawdon. Sage Publications, 2011.

Interpol. Pp. 179-181 in The Sage Dictionary of Policing, eds A. Wakefield and J. Fleming. London: Sage, 2009.

International Money Laundering Control: Law Enforcement Issues (with Kyle Irwin). Pp. 243-246 in Organized Crime: From Trafficking to Terrorism, edited by Frank G. Shanty. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2008.

Interpol. Pp. 198-199 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World, ed. P.N. Stearns. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Crime, International Response to. Pp. 330-331 in Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, edited by David S. Clark. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2007.

International Policing. Pp. 701-705 in The Encyclopedia of Police Science, Third Edition, edited by Jack R. Greene. New York: Routledge, 2007.

International Policing --The Role of the United States. Pp. 808-812 in The Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by Richard A. Wright and J. Mitchell Miller. New York: Routledge, 2005.

The Boundaries of International Cooperation: Problems and Prospects of U.S.-Mexican Police Relations. Pp. 93-122 in Police Corruption: Challenges for Developed Countries - Comparative Issues and Commissions of Inquiry, edited by Menachem Amir & Stanley Einstein. Huntsville, TX: Office on International Criminal Justice, 2004.

International Police Cooperation in Northern America: A Review of Practices, Strategies, and Goals in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Pp. 71-98 in International Police Cooperation: A World Perspective, edited by Daniel J. Koenig and Dilip K. Das. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2001.

Comparative Criminal Justice (with Amanda J. Swygart). Pp. 51- 68 in the Handbook of Criminal Justice Administration, edited by T. DuPont-Morales, M. Hooper, and J. Schmidt. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2001.

Smuggling (with Kelly Henry-Turner). pp. 473-475 in the Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior, Clifton D. Bryant, Editor-in-Chief. Volume 2, Crime and Juvenile Delinquency. Francis & Taylor Publishers, 2001.

International Criminal Justice on the Internet. Inter-Section, Newsletter ACJS, Summer 1998, pp. 1-4.

Policing International Society: Views from the United States. Review essay on Cops Across Borders by Ethan A. Nadelmann, and Crime and Law Enforcement in the Global Village. Police Forum, 1997.

Related book reviews: Policing Iraq: Legitimacy, Democracy, and Empire in a Developing State, by Jesse S.G. Wozniak, 2021; Common Enemies: Crime, Policy, and Politics in Australia-Indonesian Relations, by Michael McKenzie, 2019; The Cop and the Sociologist: Investigating Diversity in German Police Forces, by Barbara Thériault, 2014; The New International Policing, by B.K. Greener, 2010; Policing Paris, by Clifford Rosenberg, 2007.

History of International Policing 

History of Technology in Policing (with Stephen Chicoine). Pp. 2269-2277 in Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, edited by Gerben Bruinsma and David Weisburd. Berlin: Springer, 2014. 

Interpol. Pp. 1192-1193 in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, ed. G. Ritzer. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

Police (and Transnational History). Pp. 837-839 in The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History, edited by Akira Iriye and Pierre-Yves Saunier. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Bureaucratization. Pp. 14-16 in The Sage Dictionary of Policing, eds A. Wakefield and J. Fleming. London: Sage, 2009.

Policing. Pp. 970-973 in Encyclopedia of Globalization, eds R. Robertson and J.A. Scholte. New York: Routledge, 2007.

Book Symposium: Policing World Society. Law Enforcement Executive Forum 5(4):63-82, July 2005.

Symposium: Book (Author) Meets Dissertation (Authors): Policing World Society by Mathieu Deflem. Amici, ASA Sociology of Law section newsletter, 12(2), 2005.

International Police Cooperation --History of. Pp. 795-798 in The Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by Richard A. Wright and J. Mitchell Miller. New York: Routledge, 2005.

"Wild Beasts Without Nationality": The Uncertain Origins of Interpol, 1898-1910. Pp. 275-285 in The Handbook of Transnational Crime and Justice, edited by Philip Reichel. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005.

Policing World Society: The Publisher's Pullout. Excerpts from my book, Policing World Society. Crime & Justice International 19(76):23-26, 2003.

Technology and the Internationalization of Policing: A Comparative-Historical Perspective. Justice Quarterly 19(3):453-475, 2002.

The Logic of Nazification: The Case of the International Criminal Police Commission ("Interpol"). International Journal of Comparative Sociology 43(1):21-44, 2002.

The Sociology of International Social Control. Global Connections, Newsletter of the Walker Institute, 2002.

Bureaucratization and Social Control: Historical Foundations of International Police Cooperation. Law & Society Review 34(3):739-778, 2000.

International Policing in Nineteenth-Century Europe: The Police Union of German States, 1851-1866. International Criminal Justice Review 6(1):36-57, 1996.

Other Police and Policing

Facts and Fallacies about Police Killings in the United States. Excerpt from a paper on Law and Violence, published in Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, Third Edition, 2022.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Pp. 348-349 in Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties: Revised and Expanded, edited by Kara E. Stooksbury, et al. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2017.

The Perpetual Politics of Policing. Introduction to The Politics of Policing: Between Force and Legitimacy, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2016.

Policing (with Samantha Hauptman). Pp. 260-265 in International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, edited by James D. Wright. Oxford, UK: Elsevier, 2015.

Policing Katrina: Managing Law Enforcement in New Orleans (with Suzanne Sutphin). Policing 3(1):41-49, 2009.
Chinese translation: "卡特里娜”警务:新奥尔良执法管理经验." 公安学刊(浙江警察学院学报) Public Security Science Journal (Journal of Zhejiang Police College) 3(113):31-35, 2009.
Policing the Pearl: Historical Transformations of Law Enforcement in Hong Kong (with Richard Featherstone, Yunqing Li, and Suzanne Sutphin). International Journal of Police Science and Management 10(3):349-356, 2008.

Law Enforcement and Computer Security Threats and Measures (with J. Eagle Shutt). In The Handbook of Information Security, Volume 2, edited by Hossein Bidgoli. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

The Ends of the State: Anarchy, Terror, and Police, 1851 to 9-11. Comparative & Historical Sociology, ASA Section newsletter, 16(1):3-5, Fall 2004.

Law Enforcement in British Colonial Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Imperial Policing in Nyasaland, the Gold Coast, and Kenya. Police Studies 17(1):45-68, 1994.

The Invisibilities of Social Control: Uncovering Gary Marx’s Discovery of Undercover. Crime, Law and Social Change 18(1/2):177-192, 1992.

Sociologie en Sociale Controle: Politie, Undercover, en Technologie. Panopticon 12(5):475-482, 1991.

Related book reviews: Uncle Sam's Policemen: The Pursuit of Fugitives Across Borders, by Katherine Underman, 2016; Policing in Hong Kong, by Kam C. Wong, 2013; Crime, Police and Penal Policy, by Clive Emsley, 2008; Police Stories, by John Merriman, 2007; Citizens, Cops, and Power, by Steve Herbert, 2007; Informers: Policing, Policy, Practice, edited by Roger Billingsley, Teresa Nemitz, and Philip Bean, 2002.

LAW AND SOCIAL CONTROL | Social Control & Criminal Justice – Sociology of Law |
Social Control, Crime, Criminal Justice  
Towards a Criminology of the Pandemic. Introduction to Crime and Social Control in Pandemic Times, 2023. 
Diverse Voices in the Fields of Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies. Introduction to Diversity in Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies, 2022.

Comparative and Historical Analysis (with Derek Silva). In The Encyclopedia of Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021.

Social Control Today. Introduction to The Handbook of Social Control, ed. M. Deflem. Wiley Blackwell, 2019.

Measuring Crime and Criminal Justice (with Derek Silva). Introduction to Methods of Criminology and Criminal Justice Research, Emerald Publishing, 2019.

Studying Violence and Killing. Introduction to Homicide and Violent Crime, ed. M. Deflem. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2018.

Anomie, Strain, and Opportunity Structure: Robert K. Merton's Paradigm of Deviant Behavior. In The Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Criminology, edited by Ruth Ann Triplett. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2018. 

Social Control. In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, edited by Bryan S. Turner. Wiley, 2017.
Comparative Historical Analysis in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Pp. 63-73 in The Routledge Handbook of Qualitative Criminology, edited by Heith Copes and J. Mitchell Miller. London: Routledge, 2015.

Social Control (Deviance and). Pp. 30-44 in The Handbook of Deviance, ed. E. Goode. Wiley Blackwell, 2015.

The Prison World. Introduction to Punishment and Incarceration: A Global Perspective, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2014.

Wheeler, Stanton. Pp. 996-997 in Encyclopedia of White-Collar and Corporate Crime, Second Edition, edited by Lawrence M. Salinger. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2013.
Pornography (co-authored with Anna Rogers). Pp. 734-737 in Encyclopedia of White-Collar and Corporate Crime, Second Edition, edited by Lawrence M. Salinger. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2013.

International Drug Policies: International Cooperation (with Stephen Chicoine). In Encyclopedia of Drug Policy, edited by Mark Kleiman and James Hawdon. Sage Publications, 2011.

Elite-Engineered Moral Panics (with Stephen Chicoine). In Encyclopedia of Drug Policy, edited by Mark Kleiman and James Hawdon. Sage Publications, 2011.

Criminological Perspectives of the Crisis. Introduction to Economic Crisis and Crime, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2011.

An Eye on Surveillance and Governance. Introduction to Surveillance and Governance: Crime Control and Beyond, edited by M. Deflem. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2008.

Internet Extortion and Information Security (with Brian Hudak). Pp. 289-292 in Organized Crime: From Trafficking to Terrorism, edited by Frank G. Shanty. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2008.

Het Criminele Denken (Dutch: Criminal Thinking). Karakter: Tijdschrift van Wetenschap 18:22-24, 2007.

Preface to Narratives from the 1971 Attica Prison Riot: Toward a New Theory of Correctional Disturbances, by Richard Featherstone, pp. i-iii. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.

Teaching Criminal Justice in Liberal Arts Education: A Sociologist's Confessions. ACJS Today, Newsletter of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 22(2), pp. 1, 3-5, 2002. With several comments and replies.

Power/Knowledge, Society and Truth: Notes on the work of Michel Foucault. Online paper, 1999/2020.

The Democratic Deficit Revisited: Considering the Politics of Criminal Justice. Pp. 111-117 in Politique, police et justice au bord du futur: Mélanges pour et avec Lode Van Outrive. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1998.

Surveillance and Criminal Statistics: Historical Foundations of Governmentality. Pp. 149-184 in Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Volume 17, edited by Austin Sarat and Susan Silbey. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1997.

Profit and Penality: An Analysis of the Corrections-Commercial Complex (with J. Robert Lilly). Crime and Delinquency 42(1):3-20, 1996.
Dutch version: Penologie en Profijt: Een Exploratief Onderzoek naar de Bestraffingsindustrie. Met J. Robert Lilly. Delikt & Delinkwent 23(6):511-527, 1993.
Related book reviews: Violence and Punishment: Civilizing the Body Through Time, by Pieter Spierenburg, 2014; Beyond Punishment: Achieving International Criminal Justice, by Mark Findlay and Ralph Henham, 2011; The Sociology of Deviance: Differences, Tradition, and Stigma, by Robert J. Franzese, 2010; Punishment and Culture, by Philip Smith, 2009; Controlling Crime, Controlling Society: Thinking About Crime in Europe and America, by Dario Melossi, 2009; Women, Crime and Social Harm: Towards a Criminology for the Global Era, edited by Maureen Cain and Adrian Howe, 2009; Surveillance, Crime and Social Control, edited by C. Norris & D. Wilson, 2009; Governing Through Globalised Crime: Futures for International Criminal Justice, by Mark Findlay, 2009; Lessons From International/Comparative Criminology/Criminal Justice, edited by John Winterdyk and Liqun Cao, 2006; Punishment, Places and Perpetrators, edited by Gerben Bruinsma, Henk Effers, and Jan de Keijser, 2004; Comparative Criminal Justice, by Francis Pakes, 2004; The Politics of Injustice, by Katherine Becket and Theodore Sasson, 2003; Flag Burning, by Michael Welch, 2001; Les Prisons de la Misère, by Loic Wacquant, 2001; Erich Fromm and Critical Criminology, edited by Kevin Anderson and Richard Quinney, 2001; Police, Drugs and Community, by Mike Collison, 1998.

Sociology of Law  

Japanese Perspectives on Law and Culture. Introduction to Law and Culture in Japan: Institutions, Justice, and Media, edited by Mathieu Deflem, Hiroshi Takahashi, Dimitri Vanoverbeke, and Jason G. Karlin. Leeds, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2025.

The Spirit of Democracies. Introduction to Democracy, Governance, and Law, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Leeds, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2025.  

Legal Profession (with Fiona Kay). In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Second Edition, edited by George Ritzer, Chris Rojek, and J. Michael Ryan. Malden, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2025.

The Cancer of the Law in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Reflections on the Iranian Anti-Israel Law of 2020. Pp. 319-329 in Combining the Legal and the Social in Sociology of Law: An Homage to Reza Banakar, edited by Håkan Hydén, et al. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 2023.

Law and Violence (with G. David Curry). In Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict, Third Edition, edited by Lester Kurtz. Elsevier, Academic Press, 2022.

Freedom of Access to Clinics Entrances Act (FACE) (with Brian Hudak). Pp. 396-398 in Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties: Revised and Expanded, eds. Kara E. Stooksbury, et al. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2017.

The Legal Theory of Jürgen Habermas. Pp. 70-95 in Law and Social Theory, Second Edition, edited by Reza Banakar and Max Travers. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 2013.

Translated into Indonesian: “Teori Hukum Jürgen Habermas.” January 2020. 

Disasters and Hazards in Socio-Legal Studies. Introduction to Disasters, Hazards, and Law, edited by M. Deflem. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2012.

The Sociological Discourse on Human Rights: Lessons from the Sociology of Law (with Stephen Chicoine). Development and Society 40(1):101-115, June 2011.
Related video: "The Sociological Discourse on Human Rights." Conference on Human Rights and the Social: Making a New Knowledge, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 2009. 
Sociology of Law. In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Sociology, ed. J. Manza. Oxford University Press, 2015.

Sociology of Law: Prologue to the Chinese Edition. English and Chinese versions. In Deflem, M., 法社会学讲义:学术脉络与理论体系 (平装). Peking University Press, 2010.

Symposium: Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly Tradition, by Mathieu Deflem. Pro Bono, the newsletter of the SSSP Law & Society Division, 16(1), Spring 2010.

Sociological Theories of Law. Pp. 1410-1413 in Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, edited by David S. Clark. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2007.

Legal Profession. Pp. 2583-2584 in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, ed. G. Ritzer. Blackwell, 2007.

Jurisprudencia sociológica y sociología del derecho (Spanish: Sociological Jurisprudence and Sociology of Law). Opinión Jurídica 5(10):107-119, 2006.
Russian translation: "Социологическая Юриспруденция И Социология Права." Личность. Культура. Общество, 11(3):217-227, 2009.
Religion and Abortion Attitudes: Findings from the Religion and Politics Survey (with Christoph Weismayer). Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL, August 2002.

Article Misstates Facts of Abortion. Letter. The Purdue Exponent, April 27, 2000.

The Boundaries of Abortion Law: Systems Theory from Parsons to Luhmann and Habermas. Social Forces 76(3):775-818, 1998.
Russian summary translation: "Cистемная Теория От Парсонса До Лумана И Хабермаса (Границы Закона Об Абортах).” Cоциальные И Гуманитарные Науки. Отечественная И Зарубежная Литература. Серия 11: Социология, 1:17-23, 1999.
Law in Habermas’s Theory of Communicative Action. Introduction to Habermas, Modernity and Law, edited by M. Deflem. Sage Publications 1996.

Turkish translation: Habermas’in Iletişimsel Eylem Kurami’nda Hukuk. İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası 72(1):877-894, 2014.
Chinese translation: "导论:哈贝马斯交往行为理论中的法律思想," 2005.
Discourstheorie, Strafrecht, en Criminologie. Panopticon 16(1):86-9, 1996.

Corruption, Law and Justice: A Conceptual Clarification. Journal of Criminal Justice 23(3):243-258, 1995.

Théorie du Discours, Droit Pénal, et Criminologie. Review essay on Jürgen Habermas, Faktizität und Geltung (Between Facts and Norms). Déviance et Société 19(4):325-338, 1995.

La Notion de Droit dans la Théorie de l’Agir Communicationnel de Jürgen Habermas. Déviance et Société 18(1):95-120, 1994. See revised English version.

Jürgen Habermas --Pflegevater oder Sorgenkind der abolitionistischen Perspektive? Kriminologisches Journal 24(2):82-97, 1994. See revised English version.

De Communicatie-Theoretische Benadering van het Recht. Recht en Kritiek 18(3):235-258, 1992.

Kritische Theorie, Misdaad en (De)Criminalisering: Jürgen Habermas als Criminoloog? Panopticon 12(4):330-351, 1991. See revised English version.

Related book reviews: Law, Society and Community: Socio-Legal Essays in Honour of Roger Cotterrell, edited by Richard Nobles and David Schiff, 2015; Law as Punishment/Law as Regulation, edited by Austin Sarat et al., 2012; The Judge in a Democracy, by Aharon Barak, 2009; The Rewards of Punishment, by Christine Horne, 2009; The Conduct of Hostilities under the Law of International Armed Conflict, by Yoram Dinstein, 2006; Criminal Justice and Political Cultures, edited by Tim Newburn and Richard Sparks, 2004; International Law as Law of the United States, by Jordan J. Paust, 1998; Doctors of Conscience: The Struggle to Provide Abortion before and after Roe v. Wade, by Carole Joffe, 1997.


Becoming a Mental Health Activist: The Learning of Naomi Osaka (co-authored with Megan Routh). Journal for Cultural Research, first published online March 16, 2025. 

Racial Justice Activism and Democracy: The Deliberative Role of Black Women Athletes (with Brandii Brunson). In Democracy, Governance, and Law, ed. M. Deflem. Leeds, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2025.

Celebrity Culture and Activism during and since COVID-19: A Sociological Model of Analysis for (Post-)Pandemic Times (with Megan Routh, Logan Hickey, and Brandii Brunson). International Review of Modern Sociology 49(1):25-48, 2023. 

The Criminal Justice Activism of Naomi Osaka: A Case Study in the Criminology of Celebrity Culture. American Journal of Criminal Justice 48(3):723-748, 2023.

Sexism and Traditional Masculinity in Country Music: Practicing Inclusivity and Innovation in Research and Education (with Nancy C. Jones). Education Sciences & Society 13(2):72-90, 2022. 

The Continuity of the Social Sciences during COVID-19: Sociology and Interdisciplinarity in Pandemic Times. Society 59(6):735-746, 2022.  

Celebrity Activism on Racial Justice during COVID-19: The Death of George Floyd, the Rise of Naomi Osaka, and the Celebritization of Race in Pandemic Times. International Review of Sociology 32(1):63-87, 2022.

Heavy Metal Women: How Gender Matters in Popular Culture (with Anna S. Rogers). Anthem Press Blog, 2021. 

Popular Culture and Social Control: The Moral Panic on Music Labeling. American Journal of Criminal Justice 45(1):2-24, 2020. 

Related videos: Rap, Rock, and Censorship: On the History of the PMRC. Guest lecture, Introductory Sociology, September 2015; On the History of the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC). Interview prepared for National History Day, February 1, 2012.  

Pedagogy Today: The Challenges of the Present (Editorial). Education Sciences & Society 11(2):15-19, 2020.  

Gaga: Notes on the Management of Public Identity. Persona Studies 5(1):33-45, 2019.

Translated into Indonesian: “Lady Gaga: Catatan tentang Manajemen Identitas Publik.” June 2022. 

The New Ethics of Pop: Celebrity Activism since Lady Gaga. Pp. 113-129 in Pop Cultures: Sconfinamenti Alterdisciplinari, edited by Massimiliano Stramaglia. Lecce-Rovato, Italy: Pensa Multimedia, 2019.

Alfred Hitchcock: Visions of Guilt and Innocence. Pp. 203-227 in Framing Law and Crime: An Interdisciplinary Anthology, edited by Caroline Joan S. Picart et al. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2016.

Lady Gaga –The Scream of a Rock Star. Pp. 73-93 in Pop-Frauen der Gegenwart: Körper – Stimme – Image, edited by Christa Brüstle. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2015.

The Pop Revolutionary (Lady Gaga). (English version) Melodie und Rhythmus, March/April 2015, p. 64.

Four Truths about Marketing Lady Gaga Lies. The European Business Review, July/August 2013, pp. 70-72.

Professor Goes Gaga: Teaching Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame. The American Sociologist 44(2):117-131, 2013.

The Laws of Music. Introduction to Music and Law, edited by M. Deflem. Bingley, UK: Emerald 2013.

The Sex of Lady Gaga. Pp. 19-32 in The Performance Identities of Lady Gaga: Critical Essays, edited by Richard J. Gray II. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012.

The Presentation of Fame in Everyday Life: The Case of Lady Gaga. Margin, The Divas Issue, 2012, pp. 58-68.

Black Day for Indonesian Police as Lady Gaga Show Cancelled (Op-ed). The Bali Times, May 28, 2012.

Marketing Monster: Selling the Fame of Lady Gaga. Pp. 30-35 in The Wicked Twins: Fame & Notoriety. Exhibition catalogue, Paul Robeson Galleries, a program of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2012.

Madonna insultée, Kristen Stewart boycottée: Les fans ont-ils pris le pouvoir sur les stars? (Interview, conducted by Ania Nussbaum)., August 2, 2012.
Bob Leone and the Sociology of the Fame., February 12, 2011. Follow-up paper: From Gaga to Lana and Viola: The Continued Fame of Bob Leone., February 4, 2012. 
Related video presentations (on YouTube): From Warhol to Gaga. Columbia Museum of Art, August 18, 2015; The Fame of Lady Gaga: Sociological Observations. Saitama University, Japan, May 15, 2012; Lady Gaga, J-Pop, and the Globalization of Popular Culture. Tokyo University of the Arts, May 11, 2012; Lady Gaga, K-Pop, and the Globalization of Popular Culture. University of Seoul, Korea, April 26, 2012; Professor Goes Gaga: Teaching Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame. Haverford, April 14, 2012; The Fame of Lady Gaga. Presentation at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC, October 19, 2011; Lady Gaga, Art, Fame, Capitalism. Interview, Widener University, April 2011.
The Criminology of Popular Culture. Introduction to Popular Culture, Crime, and Social Control, edited by M. Deflem. Bingley, UK: Emerald 2010.

Victor W. Turner. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Anthropology, edited by Arpad Szakolczai and Paul O’Connor. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025. 
Anomie. In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Second Edition, edited by George Ritzer, Chris Rojek, and J. Michael Ryan. Malden, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2025. 
Maine, (Sir) Henry (1822–1888). In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Second Edition, edited by George Ritzer, Chris Rojek, and J. Michael Ryan. Malden, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2025. 
Anomie. Pp. 8-9 in Core Concepts in Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell, 2019.
Merton, Robert K. In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, ed. B.S. Turner. Wiley, 2017.

Anomie: History of the Concept. Pp. 718-721 in International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, edited by James D. Wright. Oxford, UK: Elsevier, 2015.

Introduction to the Transaction Edition. Pp. ix-xvii in Custom: An Essay on Social Codes, by Ferdinand Tönnies. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2014.

Ayn Rand. Pp. 775-777 in Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice Ethics, edited by B.A. Arrigo. Sage, 2014.

Carneiro, Robert L. Pp. 104-106 in Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology: An Encyclopedia, edited by R. Jon McGee and Richard L. Warms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2013.

Historical Research and Social Movements (with April Lee Dove). Pp. 560-563 in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, edited by David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.

Anomie. Pp. 144-146 in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, ed. G. Ritzer. Blackwell Publishing, 2007.

Useless Tilly (et al.): Teaching Comparative-Historical Sociology Wisely. Trajectories, Newsletter of the ASA Comparative & Historical Sociology section, 19(1):14-17, 2007.

Comparative and Historical Sociology: Lecture Notes. Exclusively available online, 2007.
Related video: EdWorld. Introduction to the Bruce Mayhew Memorial Lecture by Edward Tiryakian (Duke University), University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, April 3, 2008.
Sociologists in a Global Age. Introduction to Sociologists in a Global Age: Biographical Perspectives, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Ashgate Publishing 2007.

The Bearing of Sociological Theory on Criminological Research. Introduction to Sociological Theory and Criminological Research: Views from Europe and the United States, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Amsterdam: Elsevier 2006. 

Revisiting Merton: Continuities in the Theory of Anomie-and-Opportunity-Structures (with Sanjay Marwah). Pp. 57-76 in Sociological Theory and Criminological Research: Views from Europe and the United States, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Amsterdam: Elsevier/JAI Press, 2006. 

Tribal Modernity? Reflections on Mounira Charrad’s States and Women’s Rights. Political Sociology: States, Power, and Societies, ASA Political Sociology newsletter, 12(1):6-8, 2005. 

Theory, Abortion, Policing, Terrorism. Perspectives, ASA Theory section newsletter, 27(2), April 2004.  

Anomie and Strain: Context and Consequences of Merton’s Two Theories (with Richard Featherstone). Sociological Inquiry 73(4):471-489, 2003. 

The Sociology of the Sociology of Money: Simmel and the Contemporary Battle of the Classics. Journal of Classical Sociology 3(1):67-96, 2003.

Russian summary translation: "Cоциология Социологии Денег: Зиммель И Современная Битва Классиков.” Cоциальные И Гуманитарные Науки. Отечественная И Зарубежная Литература. Серия 11: Социология, 4:34-39, 2007.

Ferdinand Tönnies (1855-1936). In the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online, ed. E. Craig. Routledge, 2001. 

cybertheory.htm: Sociological Theory on the Internet. Perspectives, ASA Theory section newsletter, July 2001. 

Ferdinand Tönnies on Crime and Society: An Unexplored Contribution to Criminological Sociology. History of the Human Sciences 12(3):87-116, 1999.

Russian summary translation: "Фердинанд Теннис О Преступлении И Обществе: Малоисследованные Темы Криминологической Социологии." Cоциальные И Гуманитарные Науки. Отечественная И Зарубежная Литература. Серия 11: Социология, 4:71-75, 2000.

Teaching Theory for Sociology Students: Junior Notes. Perspectives, ASA Theory newsletter, 21(2), 1999. 

Classical Sociological Theory: A Summary. An overview of the contributions by Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, Georg Simmel, and George H. Mead. Online paper, 1999.   

Warfare, Political Leadership, and State Formation: The Case of the Zulu Kingdom. Ethnology 38(4), 1999. 

Turkish translation: Harp, Siyasi Liderlik ve Devlet Oluşumu: Zulu Krallığı, 1808-1879. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 8(2):329-347 (2022).

The Global Reach of Law Enforcement: Implications for Practicing Social Problems Theory. Social Problems Theory Division Newsletter, Spring 1999, pp. 1-3, 1999. 

An Introduction to Research Design. A student-oriented introduction to research. Online paper, 1998. 

The Myth of Post-National Identity: Popular Support for European Unification (with Fred C. Pampel). Social Forces 75(1):119-143, 1996. 

Jürgen Habermas: "Georg Simmel on Philosophy and Culture: Postscript to a Collection of Essays. Translated by Mathieu Deflem. Critical Inquiry 22(3):403-414, 1996.

Social Control and the Theory of Communicative Action. International Journal of the Sociology of Law 22, 1994. 

Ritual, Anti-Structure, and Religion: A Discussion of Victor Turner’s Processual Symbolic Analysis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 30(1):1-25, 1991.

Polish translation: Rytual, antystruktura i religia, czyli Victora Turnera procesualna analiza symboli. Konteksty 56(1/2):188-199, 2002.

From Anomie to Anomia and Anomic Depression: A Sociological Critique on the Use of Anomie in Psychiatric Research. Social Science & Medicine 29(5):627-634, 1989.

Related book reviews: The Natural Law Foundations of Modern Social Theory, by Daniel Chernilo, 2013; The Vertigo of Late Modernity, by Jock Young, 2011; Making Whole What Has Been Smashed, by John Torpey, 2008; Our Small Global World. Review of Ethnicities and Global Multiculture: Pants for an Octopus, by Jan Nederveen Pieterse, 2008; The Cultural Realm of European Integration, by Antonio V. Menéndez-Alarcón, 2005; A Global Perspective of Globalization: Review of Globalization: People, Perspectives, and Progress, by William H. Mott, IV., 2005; Framing Europe, by Juan Díez Medrano, 2005; The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity, by Robert K. Merton and Elinor Barber, 2005; Theories of Distinction, by Niklas Luhmann, 2003; The Future of Anomie Theory, edited by Nikos Passas and Robert Agnew, 1999; A Theory About Control, by Jack P. Gibbs, 1996.

ACADEME AND COMMUNITY | Sociology – University & Community |

Sociology: The Profession
Obstinate Observations on Sociological Saving. Trajectories, ASA section newsletter, 2016. 
The Structural Transformation of Sociology. Society 50(2):156-166, 2013.
Japanese translation: "翻訳 社会学の構造変容" (translation by 久慈 利武). 東北学院大学教養学部論集 170:117-134, March 2015. 
Sociologists and Same-Sex Marriage: Politics of Truth. Footnotes, ASA Newsletter, May/June 2013.

Sociological Certainty? Letter. Salt Lake Tribune, April 14, 2013.

Sounds Like... Letter to the Editor. Contexts 9(1):4, 2010.

That’s in a Name: Concerning the ASA Career Award. Footnotes, ASA Newsletter, 36(3):8, March 2008.

Single-Issue Voting Tactic? Footnotes, ASA Newsletter, 34(5):12, May/June 2006. With comment and response.

Letter to the Editor (concerning “Why Sociology Does Not Need To Be Saved.”). The American Sociologist 37, 2006.

Public Sociology, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie, and Chevrolet. The Journal of Professional and Public Sociology, 2005.
Related video: The Privacy of Public Sociology: Transatlantic Revelations. Lecture delivered at The University of Glasgow, Scotland, April 24, 2009.
Japanese translation: "公共社会学とホットドッグとアップルパイとシャーベット." (translation by 久慈 利武). 東北学院大学教養学部論集 170:134-144, March 2015. 
Sociologists, One More Effort! A Propos Goodwin. Comparative & Historical Sociology, ASA Section newsletter, 16(2):4-6, 2005. With a response by Goodwin.

Crime and Deviance at Social Forces. Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division News, SSSP Newsletter, 2005.

Comment (on public sociology). Contemporary Sociology 34(1):92-93, January 2005.

Southernizing Social Forces. The Southern Sociologist, Newsletter of the Southern Sociological Society, 2005.

Large Mug, Mousepad, Infant Creeper, Bib, Dog T-Shirt: The Professional Group Revisited. Perspectives, the ASA Theory section newsletter, 27(4 ):15, 2004.

The War in Iraq and the Peace of San Francisco: Breaking the Code of Public Sociology. Peace, War & Social Conflict, Newsletter of the ASA section, November 2004.

There’s the ASA, But Where’s the Sociology? Letter. Footnotes, ASA Newsletter, 32(6), p. 9, July/August 2004. With a response by Michael Burawoy, “Democracy in Question: Reply to Deflem.”

How the ASA Leadership Damages Sociological Research: A Scholarly and Professional Viewpoint. Amici, ASA Sociology of Law section newsletter, 11(2):12, 2004.

Academic Freedom and Publishing, Or: The ASA Police Never Sleeps... Amici, ASA Sociology of Law section newsletter, 11(2):10, 2004.

Parting Words. Pro Bono, Newsletter of the SSSP Law & Society Division 10(2):3-5, 2004.

‘Justice 21’ 1 - Law & Society 0: How the Internet Provides Detailed Information and Public Knowledge on Domestic Violence... Pro Bono, Newsletter of the SSSP Law & Society Division 10(1):12, 2003. 

Crime at the ASC... Letter. The Criminologist, The American Society of Criminology newsletter, March/April 2003.

Different Views on Letter and comment. Footnotes, ASA Newsletter, 29(4):10, April 2001.

On Depoliticizing Sociology. Amici, ASA Sociology of Law Section Newsletter, Spring 2000.

University & Community

Cover Story Only Represented Disgruntled USC Faculty. Letter. The Free Times, October 23, 2019.

USC Candidates. Letter. The Post and Courier, May 1, 2019.

Bribery Scandal. Letter to the Editor. The Post and Courier, March 25, 2019.

With Liberal Arts Education, Students Can Be More Than Imagined. Letter. The State, December 16, 2018.

The Ombuds and Social Control. The Independent Voice, IOA newsletter, May 2017.

University Should Show Teacher Evaluation Results to Students. Letter. The Daily Gamecock, April 2017.

USC Should Do More Than Just Award Degrees. Letter to the Editor. The State, February 2, 2015.

USC Power Rankings Painfully Accurate. Letter. Free Times, July 2, 2014.

Activism, Politics Invading USC. Letter to the editor. The State, June 4, 2014.

Birth of President's Granddaughter Doesn't Warrant Newspaper Article. The Daily Gamecock, February 3, 2014.

Condemnation of Five Points Unnecessary. Letter. The Daily Gamecock. October 21, 2013, p. 4.

USC Head Officials Still Ignore Concerns. Letter. The Daily Gamecock, April 2, 2013. 

Intellectual Standards = A Politics of Exclusion? Minding the Campus, October 26, 2012.

Frans in Genk (Dutch: French in Genk). Het Belang van Limburg, June 10, 2009. 

Police Classifications Don’t Fit in Media. Letter. The Daily Gamecock, March 22, 2006, p. 8.

Latte Shouldn’t Cost Someone Life or Limb. Letter. The State, February 17, 2004, p. A8.

Credible Reviews are Hard to Find. Op-ed. The Gamecock, November 17, p. 4, 2003.

Pedestrians Risk Their Lives at Crosswalks. Letter. The State, July 14, 2002, p.D2.

Police Use Web Site Inappropriately. Letter. The Purdue Exponent, April 9, 2001, p.6.

Letter to the Editor (on campus police). Journal and Courier, April 8, 2001.

University4Sale-dot-com: The Educational Cost of Free Notes on the Internet. Online version, 1999. A revised shorter version is published in Footnotes 28(4):6-7, April 2000.

Letters and op-eds on lecture notes companies, published in various college newspapers, 1999-2000:
The Educational Costs of Free Notes on the Internet, The Stanford Review (October 1999);, AFT On Campus (April 2000); Dot-Coms in Our Lecture Halls, The Harvard Crimson (March 9, 2000); Most know better than to rely on online notes, Northern Star (October 25, 2000); Online academic note services commercializing education, Badger Herald (May 13, 2000); Commercial notes sites must be curtailed, Montana Kaimin (April 4, 2000); All about the Benjamins, The Daily Pennsylvanian (March 22, 2000); Yale leads the fight against notes companies, Yale Daily News (March 20, 2000); E-commerce intrudes on higher education, Brown Daily Herald (March 15, 2000); Online companies turning education into a business, The Digital Collegian (March 13, 2000); Online notes hurt education system, Indiana Daily Student (March 10, 2000); Letter to the Editor, The Battalion (Texas A&M, February 29, 2000); Online notes companies lack accountability, Michigan Daily (December 13, 1999); Faculty member questions online notes, The Purdue Exponent (October 5, 1999).

Online Ambiguities. Reply to a critique. The Technology Source, July/August 2000.

Mensen Van Bij Ons (Dutch: People From Among Us). Biographical essay. De Bakeman 13(1):6-11, 1997. 

See separate pages for Talks and Books, with abstracts and selected full-text downloads.